MENAFTER10 by Casey Hamilton

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Told in a series of interconnecting stories of strangers and friends using a popular hookup app, MENAFTER10 is a rich and raw depiction of how hard it is being Black, gay, and online.

MENAFTER10 is a mobile dating app made for “urban men looking for urban men.” Among its users is Chauncey Lee, who is always online, always looking. What exactly he’s looking for is a mystery even to him but he does his best trying to find it by dating in bedrooms across an unnamed city. Brontae Williams is just the opposite. He’s lonely and desperately wants to settle down into a long-term relationship. His biggest problem is that the only thing anyone wants these days is quick and casual sex. LeMilion Meeks, however, is used to the fast life. With his big personality, he might come off as content with snorting coke in club bathrooms, but secretly he’s learning that knowing his HIV status is entirely different than knowing what to do with it.

Despite their individual differences, these men and the men they meet online intersect and merge in this brilliant debut novel.

MENAFTER10 releases September 28, 2021 via Amble Press, an imprint of Bywater Books.
